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The Cost of Stress in Stressful Times – Part 2

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Scottsdale, Arizona 

The Cost of Stress in Stressful Times – Part 2

This is a part 2 of a three-part blog looking at the cost of stress in stressful times.

Martin Makary MD, MPH, and Editor-in-Chief of MedPage Today is quoted saying on March 9th, “Analyzing data for the country (Italy) as a whole, new diagnoses and deaths are doubling every few days.” The Harvard School of Public Health warned this month that 40%-70% of Americans could be infected by COVID-19. 

While the numbers above are only estimates, what we DO know is that chronic stress is rampant and getting worse with every ‘breaking news’ story. We also know a strong immune system is essential for your health. Only washing your hands won’t be enough.

Stress is one of the greatest antagonists to our immune system and weakens our physical capability to fight this virus after exposure.

If you’ve been grocery shopping lately you can feel the stress and see it clearly on everyone in the store. I asked a store clerk recently, “Is this a difficult time to be working around so many others when isolation or ‘social distance’ is being stressed for us all?” She responded she went home the night before to “sit and look at the wall for 30 minutes” just to decompress.

Most of us need more than to sit and look at a wall. To be healthy we need to be balanced. Your brain’s reaction to chronic stress is likely to cause other severe imbalances – sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, mood disturbance, and burnout are major indicators that we are being affected by chronic stress. Your brain works best to manage all these attacks when it is balanced.

How does a balanced brain manage stress? As stress increases, our response is an increase in our fight-flight side of our brain – pushing us to fight back or run away from the stress. At some point, if the stress is too great, or chronic in nature so our fight-flight side of the brain cannot handle it, our freeze response system in the brain kicks into gear to numb us to the stress so we won’t be overwhelmed. It gets stuck in a numb state – there is no path forward to run or to fight an unseen enemy. We are out of balance.

The two stress response systems – fight-or-flight vs freeze – help defend us but also make us tremendously vulnerable to viral threats because they compromise our immune system. The last protection we have to fight any virus is our immune system. That system may be compromised by chronic stress.

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To reasonably defend ourselves, we need to deal first with the stress. If you missed Part 1 of this Blog on The Cost of Stress in Stressful Times-Part I, we encourage you to go back and act on some of our suggested ways you can reduce stress right now to reduce stress’s impact on your health. We would add, make it a priority to get as much quality sleep as possible. Sleep is a great indicator of the degree of stress in us. Restorative sleep provides some of the greatest relief from stress.

More than anything, make your health a priority in these uncertain times. Our body is an unmatched creation and needs your attention and care to perform at its best. I founded Cereset to aid you and your brain to keep your body at its best, most balanced state so you can handle what life brings your way. Our team understands deeply the impact of stress, anxiety, and fear our world is going through. Cereset sessions have generated a proven reduction in inflammation levels in clinical trials as well as the balance of the freeze/fight-flight system. We’ll explain this further in Part III.

We’re here to help.

If you want to learn more about how our brain drives our well-being, we encourage you to reach out to a Cereset client center by going here – all of our centers follow the CDC’s guidelines for providing a safe, clean environment to get the help you need. Cereset seeks to help you help yourself to make it through these times of chronic stress. Find the Cereset client center nearest you by going to cereset.com/centers or call our headquarters at 480.265.8800.

Lee Gerdes, Founder and CEO



Cereset® is a non-invasive, highly effective and proven neurotechnology that helps your brain relax and reset itself, enabling you to achieve higher levels of well-being and balance throughout your life. Learn more at cereset.com

