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The Cost of Stress in Stressful Times – Part 1

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Scottsdale, Arizona 

The Cost of Stress in Stressful Times – Part 1

Calls and late-night texts from family and friends, the morning & evening news, and multiple messages in your inbox all reminding you about the dangers of going to the grocery store, church or just touching the mailbox. It’s not just your city, state or country, the world is experiencing fear of the unknown. Far too many of us were stressed even before January and now the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. What can you do to stay healthy? You’ve likely heard the main directives for individuals from the Centers for Disease Control to:

1. Wash your hands more frequently, for longer periods (at least 20 seconds) and more thoroughly (yes, there is a right way to do it).

2. If soap is not available, use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

4. Keep a healthy distance between yourself and others.

5. Stay home if you’re sick.

6. Cover a cough or sneeze with the inside of your elbow (if you use a tissue, throw it away asap).

7. Only wear a facemask if you are sick (unless you are caring for someone).

8. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

More CDC directives regarding US crowd gathering activities were released March 5, 2020, and can be found here.

All of the body’s physical systems are compromised by stress so it is important you take action. Here are a few you can do right now:

1. Breathe: Make time to focus on slow breathing or use the ‘box’ method reported to be used by Navy Seals.

2. Eat healthier, well-balanced meals.

3. Choose positive activities when possible (ones that make you smile or laugh).

4. Say no to requests you know will be stressful for you. 5. Meditate, do yoga, tai-chi and/or pray – or set other designated time to quiet your mind.

6. Exercise to get your heart rate up regularly.

7. Walk whenever you can – brisk walking can boost your immune system.

8. Get enough rest and sleep.

9. See a doctor if you are sick.

10. Talk to others – relationships are important even if you are not physically together as much during these difficult times. You may choose a health professional for additional assistance.

There IS a cost for doing nothing about your stress. When you are burdened by stress and anxiety, you are more vulnerable to disease – seemingly catching a cold from across the street. If we try to ignore stress, it doesn’t ignore us back – results of being over-stressed, actually result in stress getting worse instead of better.

Your brain determines (I like to say “drives”) how your stress is handled. If it is well balanced and functioning fully, it can handle stress well. When the brain is stuck in a stress reactive imbalance, your body is less able to sustain your health.

Our team at Cereset helps people with stress and anxiety relief every day so we think a lot about how to maintain a healthy balance throughout the body by balancing the brain. In a clinical trial of military combatants who developed war stress, Cereset Research technology was used as a tool to empower the brain to reset and rebalance itself; allowing participants to return to active duty and combat. Of additional interest to the trial focus, was the data that revealed the C-reactive protein (CRP) levels (which indicate inflammation and infection) in the study participants decreased by an average of 38% in 12 days – likely a boost to the immune system. You can read about this trial and others here.

We share these hugely stressful times, together. If we all have a balanced brain in the face of this stressful time, what a difference it would make for ourselves and others. We might not even overreact to that next stressful ‘breaking news’ story.

Lee Gerdes, Founder and CEO

