The Times of Hell in Life May Haunt Us

from hell to help

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Scottsdale, Arizona

The Times of Hell in Life May Haunt Us 

There are times of sheer hell in life that cause us to cringe, weep, and/or scream. These times of trauma or severe stress create a response in our brain rhythm, which assists us during the hellish event. However, the hellish event may also create a stuck pattern in our brain, which continues. The same brain pattern that helped us survive the event may be equally unhelpful for us to move forward without the same ongoing brain response after the difficult time has passed.

The COVID caused mandate to create remote learning for children can be a pretty stressful time. The parent has work to do – the children are both bored and confused about the learning situation so would prefer to play on the computer – remember they can’t play with their peers or enjoy the social environment in which they learned so much before – so now the parent is teacher, parent, and study-police – ugh! This remote learning may be challenging for everyone in the family. And, at times, it is definitely too much for some kids. The rate of depression and suicide for children has hugely increased. They may have a stuck brain pattern, which is causing them to be constantly numb, and it is seriously difficult for them.

Or, the military warrior returning from a tour of duty in Iraq/Afghanistan has had many close calls with death and seen some of their friends be killed or badly injured in a firefight. That brain is possibly stuck in a fight-or-flight response – always on the ready. However, when the warrior returns to a loving and safe home in the USA – why does that brain persist in keeping the soldier prepared, in a state of fight-or-flight? When the brain is stuck, the person who owns it, is stuck as well. In fact, they may be haunted by that response pattern.

Cereset® deals with the brain – probably 80 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections – the brain is complex.

Cereset has been developed over the past 17 years. It has taken a long time for the Cereset team to unravel enough of the brain to know how Cereset’s BrainEcho® technology can support the brain to make many of its own changes and regulate itself. Working with the brain is an exciting business – almost like calling to a team inside of us to help us regulate our world without even invading the brain or changing it from the outside. Healing from the inside-out.

With over 150,000 clients and 800 people through various clinical trials, Cereset has reached a level of capability to help people, unlike any other process. Now in 2021, Cereset is being recognized for that – a new study on Cereset effectiveness to help regulate the entire brain has been published in a peer-review medical journal, and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans before and after Cereset use revealed that the regulation Cereset has supported to happen is of major significance to mitigate traumatic stress.

As a business – The Cereset franchise has been listed in the December 2020 issue of Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the hottest franchise categories to own in 2021. Entrepreneur Magazine is recognized as one of the top 6 business journals globally and has over 612,000 subscribers, plus double that as on-line readers. 

More lengthy but more intimate coverage of Cereset in 2021 has been published in the January 2021 issue of the Scottsdale Airpark News (page 28) – the article about Cereset they appropriately titled – “Life can be hell sometimes” because we all know that is true. Now many of us know that Cereset can help regulate that life chaos we often are hit with.

So if you seek non-invasive means to bring some regulation into your life due to being trapped by the uneasiness of the times, sadness or lack of joy, trouble sleeping, or difficulty thinking or focusing – you may be a perfect client for Cereset; check out our Find a Center page to find the location nearest you.

Or, if you are thinking of owning your own business, you may be a perfect candidate for a Cereset franchise – check our Own a Center section on this website and then talk with someone at Cereset about your dream to help others help themselves and be rewarded for it financially.

It has taken a long time – and a lot of effort for Cereset to be where it is today, to help you as a client and potentially as an owner of a Cereset franchisee.

Lee Gerdes, Founder and CEO

