Cereset Fort Wayne where we help your brain help you, is a center for brain wellness located in northeastern Indiana.
Cereset is a wellness experience that helps you relax your brain to manage stress, restore hope and finally achieve restful sleep through patented BrainEcho® neuromodulation technology that empowers the brain to reset itself as it hears and “sees” its own reflection. Cereset enables your brain to fully relax and reset itself to its natural balance from the inside out. There is no outside intervention, stimulus, or medication of any kind – the brain does its own work while you may nap or relax quietly in a comfortable chair.
Susan Clouser, the owner of Cereset Fort Wayne & Cereset Bluffton, says, “This business is personal to me and my entire family. Since a very young age, our daughter struggled with extreme emotions and focusing issues, had troubles in school, and was even hospitalized a few times. She was treated at a clinic for a pain condition she was dealing with, and that’s where we learned about Cereset. We witnessed so many positive changes from Cereset for not only our daughter but many other individuals. We saw such remarkable outcomes from Cereset that we suggested it to our son for our grandson, who was dealing with some similar issues. Both are currently thriving, and our daughter is living without any medications. Both continue with regular sessions to help their brains help themselves stay balanced, and because we have seen such great things, we knew we needed to bring this technology to our community!”
“Thanks to the Cereset technology, Their lives, as well as our whole families, have been changed for the better. It’s been a great privilege to observe the amazing benefits that take place for those who come to experience the freedom and power of resetting their own brain. If you are interested, I would enjoy the opportunity to meet you in person. I’ve seen firsthand what it feels like to have your brain stuck and imbalanced. I also know the power of helping you help your own brain!”